
Foto: André Rival
New York Times:
“But,” Roberta Smith added, “Feminism is not a style, or a formal approach. It is a philosophy, an attitude and a political instrument. It is more important than Pop, Minimalism or Conceptual art because it is by its very nature bigger than they are, more far-reaching and life affecting. In addition feminism is not of itself an aesthetic value. It is an idea that can assume an organic force in some artists’ work, but others just pay it lip service without much exertion or passion.”
solo exhibitions
- Konsthallen i Höör, Rams sockerströdda solstrålar, 2024
- Galleri Rostrum, Why Not You, 2024
- Konsten HKF Helsingborg,
- Rostrum, Bye Bye Corona
- 2019 Galleri Ingela S, Transit
- 2018 Mercurius Art and Artefacts- Molekyl Gallery, Magnetsika fält
- 2018 Dalby Krypta, "Ut Ur Skuggorna"
- 2017 Göteborgs domkyrka "Nåd III"
- 2016-2017 Galleri Thomas Wallner, "Thou art not thyself..."
- 2016-2017 Lunds Domkyrka "Nåd II"
- 2016 Uppsala Domkyrka, "Nåd"
- 2015 Galleri Monica Strandberg, "Transformation av Lara Croft et la Révolution"
- 2015 Uppsala Domkyrka " Jesus"
- 2014 Lunds Domkyrka(Lund Cathedral), Se människan -bland helgon, förrädare och älskande
- 2014 Väsby Konsthall, "Berlinoesque", Stockholm
- 2013 Galleri Thomas Wallner, "Unter Berliner Himmel", Sweden
- 2010 Tomarps Kungsgård, Sweden
- 2010 Infernoesque, (with Christina Michalis), Berlin
- 2009 Galleri Thomas Wallner, "News from the wicked garden", Brantevik (Sweden)
- 2009 Künstlerhaus Bethanien, "Rinasce piu Gloriosa", Berlin
- 2009 Kunstverein Münsterland, "Svensk Konst", Dörenthe
- 2009 Grünerhund, "Blaukäppchen und die rote Frau", Berlin
- 2008 Infernoesque, "Unter dem Himmel", Berlin
- 2008 St Christophorus, "Sakral", Berlin
- 2008 Galleri Thomas Wallner, "A Normal Day", Malmö
- 2007 Swedish Embassy, "Visiondrive", Berlin
- 2005 Kabusa Konstall, Thomas Wallner, Sweden
Selected group exhibitions
- Kliger Gallery, Faces, 2024
- Kliger Gallery, Winter show, 2023
- Galleri Rostrum, Juxtapose Artfair, Århus, 2023
- 2020-2021 Ljungbergsmuseet
- 2020 Galleri Thomas Wallner, Polyfoni
- 2019 Galleri Rostrum, Nytt
- 2018 WadströmTönnheim Gallery , Stilleben
- 2018 Mercurius Art And Artefact- Molekyl Gallery, Magnetiska Fält
- 2017 Galleri Thomas Wallner, "Polyfoni III"
- 2016 Moderna Museet Malmö "Painting Failures"
- 2016 High Court Malmö c/o Galleri Thomas Wallner: Sofie Arfwidson, Nina Bondesson, Astrid Göransson
- 2015 Alingsås Konsthall , Stampens Kvarn, "Motljus"
- 2015 Galleri Thomas Wallner , Polyfoni 3
- 2015 Konsthallen Mårten Pers Källa, "Uppror och Oro", Brantevik
- 2014 Norrtälje Konsthall, "Uppror och Oro", Norrtälje
- 2014 Örebro Konsthall, "Uppror och Oro", Örebro
- 2014 Galleri Thomas Wallner, "Polyfoni II", Sweden
- 2014 Bild und Bar Axel Gerber, Berlin
- 2013 Tomarps Kungsgård, "Minnen", Sweden
- 2012 Galleri Arnstedt, "Frosseri och Förgänglighet"
- 2012 Novopo Project, "Far Afield", Weitenhagen- Baltic Sea
- 2011 "La valée patibulaire", Berlin, curated by Caro Bittermann
- 2010 Transponder Project Leipzig, "Peng", curated by Andrea Hidebrandt
- 2010 Ystads Konstmuseum "Bo Siesjö-utan titel", Ystad
- 2010 BildundBar 2 ,Berlin, curated by Axel Gerber
- 2010 The Forgotten Bar "Remix 6" ,Berlin, curated by Tjorg Douglas Beer
- 2010 Curating: "Collage Accident", The forgotten bar, initiated by Galerie in Regierungsviertel, Berlin
- 2010 Galerie im Regierungsviertel "Remix 4", Berlin
- 2010 Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Girl Overkill ll, Berlin, curated by Iris van Dongen
- 2009 Kunstraum Bethanien, "Anonyme Zeichner", Berlin, curated by Anke Becker,
- 2009 Kunstraum t27, "Din A6", Berlin, curated by Dr Martin Steffens
- 2009 Kantine, "Copy", Berlin
- 2009 Kunstverein Scotty Enterprises, "Die Welt zu Gast bei Scotty enterprises", Berlin
- 2009 The Forgotten Bar, "Girl Overkill" , Berlin
- 2009 Kunstverein Münsterland, "Svensk Konst", Dörenthe
- 2009 Alte Post Neukölln, "Consciences and Frontiers", Berlin, curated by Dr Bonaventura
- 2009 Kwadrat, "Die große Herbstausstellung", Berlin, curated by Martin Kwade
- 2009 Grünerhund, "Into Nature", Berlin
- 2009 Swedish Consulate, Berlin
- 2009 Plastic #4, Kantine, Berlin
- 2009 48-Stunden Neukölln, Kindl Brauerei, Berlin
- 2008 Swedish Consulate, Leipzig
- 2008 Maurus Gmür "The Joy of Painting", Berlin, curated by Maurus Gmür
- 2007 Kunstraum t27, Berlin
- 2007 Arnstedt & Kullgren, Sweden
- 2007 Knäpper + Baumgarten, Stockholm
- 2006 Art Basel, Liste, ALP Peter Bergman
- 2006 Knäpper + Baumgarten, Stockholm
- 2006 Arnstedt & Kullgren "Anhalt Berlin", Sweden
- 2006 ALP Peter Bergman, Market, Stockholm
- 2006 Northern Light, Stockholm
- 2004 Bunker, Berlin
- 2003 Giesler & Partner "Schaustelle 8", Berlin
- 2002 Eva Poll "Schaustelle 7", Berlin
- 2002 Dorothea Konwiartzstiftung, Berlin
- Norrköpings Konstmuseum
- SAK, Aura
- Umeå Kommun
- Örebro Kommun
- Private Collections
- 2019-21 Umeå Lärarhögskola
- 2016 BA in Art History, (Konstvetenskap vid Lunds universitet).
- 2006 Post Graduate Studies, Royal University College of Fine Arts Stockholm
- 2003 UDK Berlin, Master of Fine Arts ( Meisterschüler), Prof. Bernd Koberling
- 2002 UDK Berlin, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Prof. Bernd Koberling
- 1997-2000 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Prof. Jörg Immendorff
- 1996-1997 Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague
- Malmö Museer, Malmö Festivalen, Sagor på slottet, Skapande verkstad, Halloween, 2019-2020
- Gunnesboskolan/Fäladsskolan , Lund, 2019
- Malmö Konsthall, Helgverkstad för barn. 2015-2019-
- Malmö Konsthall, Big Five Festivals, Konst i Box, 2018
- Sofielundsfestivalen, Malmö, 2017,
- Stadsarkivet i Malmö/Malmö Konsthall , Malmö i mitt minne, Konstnärlig projektledare, 2017
- Chalmers Göteborg. Aha- festival! , workshop,
- Malmö Konsthall, art classes for small children and school projects 2015, 2016, 2017
- Open Workshop weekend Malmö Konsthall, -, 2017
- Malmö Konsthall, Mitt i Konsten-, Rita Ackermann, 2016
- Östra Grevie Folkhögskola , painting class
- Royal Acadmie of Fine Arts Stockholm,German Expressionism from 1400 till today, 2015
- Östra Grevie Folkhögskola, German Expressionism from 1400 till today, 2015
- Teacher. Class 6-9, Gunnesboskolan, Lund
- Tvåårigt arbetsstipendium Konstnärsnämnden 2020
- Längmanska Kulturfonden 2018
- Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse 2017
- Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse 2015
- Nominated for Carnegie Art Award 2014
- Nominated for The Exhibition of the Year 2014
- Nominated for Lengertz Kulturpris 2013
- Konstnärnsnämndens arbetsstipendium
- Stiftelsen San Michele, Crafoords stipendium
- Lunds stads kulturstipendium
- Lindeqvist donationsfond
- Dorotha Konwiartz Stipendium
- Milk energy stipendium
Public commission/ Offentligt uppdrag
- 2015 Chalmers, Dep. of Physics