Sofie Arfwidson – A short presentation.
Over the past decade, Sofie Arfwidson, born 1976 in Lund, has built up a fascinating, independent artistry, mainly painting on canvas and paper. Her energetic, narrative imagery moves free through magical surrealism, new expressionism, comics and popular culture.
Her freely associative style and the sometimes explosive composition in her images are clearly characterized by the time she studied with the known German artist and art professor, Jörf Immendorff, from 1997 to 2000, at the Art Academy of Düsseldorf. But where the Düsseldorf school, having inherited a political and German history- commentating art from Joseph Beuys, Sofie Arfwidson has oriented herself more towards a Nordic-coloured thematic sphere, inspired by stories, songs and a nature full of spirits and life.
Sofie Arfwidson graduated from a Masters program at the Universität der Künste in Berlin in 2003. There, she developped a more abstract style of painting, under the instruction of the painter and professor, Bernd Koberling (b 1938). In 2006, Sofie Arfwidson bound herself even more tightly to the Swedish art scene, when she immersed herself in work with graphics at the Royal Academy of Art in Stockholm.
Sofie Arfwidson lived and worked in the artist district of Kreuzberg in Berlin, for the moment she is based in Lund, and has participated in a multitude of solo and group exhibitions in Germany and Sweden since 2002.
Galleri Thomas Waller och Prof. Orvar Löfgren